31. joulukuuta 2011

Kent - 747

Kent, one of my favourite bands ever.
“747”, makes me want to play guitar (if I only could).

I still remember my first Kent gig. It was in 1997 (Tampere, Finland). At that time people still bought their tickets at record stores (or at least I did!). Well, I went to get my ticket and saw this most amazing poster there at the record store! It was just for promotional use so they were not selling it (I did try hard persuading them). I guess they had some kind of a tradition of giving away posters after gigs, and they didn’t take reservations of any kind. What they told me was that there had already been lots and lots and lost of people wanting that particular poster! My luck…

The gig was awesome. I remember standing in the very first row – I could almost touch them! After the show I crawled (really!) on the stage trying to get as many picks as possible. My sister collected them (I don’t know if she still does). I did manage to get some… The very next day (it must have been quite early) I walked by  
t h a t record store and decided to give it a shot.

Now you must have guessed the rest: I got it! I got it!

My luck has totally changed since then but… I can always say having an authentic Kent poster (if it really matters). Enjoy!

(photo by Picture Effect Magic)

30. joulukuuta 2011

Dingo - Lähetyssaarnaaja

I got my first glimpse at being a fan and loving music at the age of five. And, I didn’t start with no less than Finnish pop rock, Dingo. Being a fan meant something very deep for me, and had it consequences for my whole life. I mean, even in my early thirties I describe myself as a “fan”. A “fan” of music, a “fan” of bands, a “fan” of artists.

I have nothing but great memories about Dingo, being a fan. (I even got to see Dingo at my early age. I only remember drawing onto their dusty bus “<3 Johanna”. All in all, Dingo represents chiffon scarves, insurgency, tons of hair spray, and c-cassettes for me.

But, a few words about Dingo:

Dingo is a Finnish band formed around 1982 which fused Finnish melancholy with catchy rock  melodies, headed by singer Pertti Neumann (also known as Pertti Nieminen). For a few years of top success Dingo was one of the most popular Finnish rock bands and caused a phenomenon called "Dingomania" all over
Finland. (source: Wikipedia, 31.12.2011)

29. joulukuuta 2011

the Cure - Friday I'm in Love

I so remember this one summer more than 10 years ago, 1998 to be more exact. I was taking this summer course in order to get into the university that same summer, and was staying with my friend for a whole month. Instead of really studying and getting ready for that exam I had my first cigarette and did a whole lot of drinking. So, meaningless to say, this summer course didn’t have that much to give…

My friend had Friday I’m in Love on vinyl – c’moon! It must have been the coolest thing I’ve ever seen. I still remember the cover – and here’s a reminder for the rest of you. So, in short, the Cure – Friday I’m in Love represents the summer of 1998 to me. And, I did get into that university.

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