26. lokakuuta 2012

...And Less Than a Day Later

 ... this is what I see when I take a quick walk in the city center less than a day later (and here am referring to my latest entry "http://apinkglove.blogspot.fi/2012/10/that-time-of-year-again.html"). My toes are freezing, my riding boots are cold and wet (am heading to the stable), I can't feel my fingers - and some people say they love winter. What's there to love?

Tunnen kylmyyden jo sormissani, varpaissani.
Odotan jo kevättä, kesää.

25. lokakuuta 2012

That Time of the Year - again

Dammit, it's t h a t time of the year, again. 
Instead of four seasons we should have five seasons. Between autumn and winter there should be something like "almost winter but not yet". That would give me a little more time adjusting to darkness (24/7), coldness, and the coming winter. Now, it's all coming just too fast. I mean, like, two months ago I was (almost?) able to walk barefeet and wear sunnies and t-shirts. Now I haven't even polished my Uggs.

In some parts of Finland it's snowing - right now. And "that part" isn't too far from here, 160 kilometers. So, please, save me and take me somewhere hot. I don't care where but, please, hurry!
On our morning walk with Ukko. Can you find him?
In this photo you can see both water and ice if you look closely enough.

6. lokakuuta 2012


While surfing on the Internet I came across this amazingly interesting network, AngelMule. AngelMule is an online network that enables regular travelers to spend a portion of their vacations delivering much-needed goods to impoverished communities, in exchange for authentic, one-of-a-kind experiences. Current proposals include used wheelchairs, kids toys, vaseline and multi vitamin in exchange for real Balinese experiences such as a visit to a Balinese family where you will have Balinese coffee with Balinese goods. At AngelMule you can also find proposals like ”muling” pet care products in exchange for puppy petting in Bali, and Fazer’s Pantteri Black Shot in exchange for a walk in Sydney.
It’s up to you, the traveler, to set up a time to deliver the goods and to use common sense in regards to safety, but AngelMule thoroughly vets all nonprofits and allows you to connect via secure messaging. Check it out www.mmmule.com. And, please, bring me sunshine and hot temperature in exchange for blueberry muffins!

Muutama sana markkinoinnista #kekäle

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