14. toukokuuta 2015

tbt (14.5.2015)

We all look so dapper...
Back then we didn't know anything about Internet. Or sms. We didn't know there will be things like YouTube and Facebook. Have we ever heard about dvds, digital cameras, or selfies? Did we miss Emojis or Instagram? I think we were pretty happy with what we had.

ps do you find me in the photo?

10. toukokuuta 2015

Happy Birthday, Marika!

It's my sister's birthday today. And, yes, it's also Mother's Day.
My sister was born on Mother's Day. I don't know how often it happens that her birthday is celebrated by all the moms out there. Let's celebrate it now, then. And, yes, the Sun was shining when my sister arrived this world - just like today. So, pretty much nothing has happened ever since.

I got my first camera when I was like eight years old. In this photo my sister is showing off her stuff, you know, toys, Christmas presents, cartoons, drawings... She liked to have her room unorganized.

5. toukokuuta 2015

Selfie (going for #punk #look)

This was (nearly) my look for the gig that I went to on Saturday.
By "nearly" I mean that there were some changes - I wasn't too happy with my hair and so on...

We went to see this band called Juustopäät. It was so cool - seeing them for the very first time. I mean I was first introduced to Juustopäät in, like, 1995. But since I spent my childhood, um, in the middle of nowhere I never saw them playing. Kinda. Sorta.

Muutama sana markkinoinnista #kekäle

Tiäks sen tunteen, kun lähdet jahtaamaan sitä Canada Goosea? Sitä tunnetta, kun olet mainoksesta lukenut, että "kaikista normaalihin...