27. huhtikuuta 2012

_my new kicks_

My new kicks resting on my coffee table.

26. huhtikuuta 2012


This is what I saw this morning on our Thursday walk with Ukko, the dog. In my earlier post you can find photos from our Monday walk. Photos are not in any particular order (I wish).

Ski tracks are gone, for good.

Ukko, the dog

Definitely not a pink glove



Guess who?!

19. huhtikuuta 2012

Baby bunnies

I had my walk with Ukko, the dog, this morning.
Such a beautiful day, it surely was...

On our way back home Ukko noticed ”something” in the ground. I had a closer look at ”that something”, as well. And, guess what?! It was a baby brown hare, and it was bleeding in her eye! And, suddenly, I heard this terrific noise, like someone was screaming! And I saw another baby brown hare, and a maggie trying to eat her alive! I started running and that maggie got on her wings, and flew away (the nearest tree).

So, there I was with two baby bunnies, both of them bleeding in their eye. I didn’t know what else to do so I called my sis. Eventually I took the baby bunnies with me and Ukko, and walked home since I didn’t feel like leaving them there (I could still see that maggie nearby). Once I got home I put the baby bunnies in a cardboard box, and went on to look information on how to handle these kind of situations...

At that point my sis called me back, and told me that I should take the baby bunnies back where we found them at a first place, or take them to a vet to have them put into sleep. Since I had not touched them with my bare hands, and they seemed to be quite in a good condition (except for their eyes that weren’t bleeding any more) I decided to take them back.

I hid them under a tree – where I found a third baby brown hare - invulnerable! I left them all there, and I truly hope that their mom finds them, and takes a very good care of them all.

...what a day...

15. huhtikuuta 2012

My Sunday Tradition_Sunnuntaimuffinssit

My Sunday tradition revealed: muffins!

This Sunday I had  banana and blueberry muffins – on a typical Sunday it’s just bananas. But since my mom gave me blueberries (hand-picked by her) on my Easter holiday, I decided to include blueberries in my muffins, too. Yummy! (I guess I need more practise on photographing my muffins. They seem having no colour in them; kind of boring...)

I just started thinking about the difference between muffins and cupcakes – is there any?

According to my source (Wikipedia, 15.4.2012) "a cupcake is a small cake designed to serve one person, frequently baked in a small, thin paper, or aluminum cup. As with larger cakes, frosting and other cake decorations, such as sprinkles, are common on cupcakes". As for muffins it says: ”A muffin is an American English name for a type of quick bread that is baked in small portions. Many forms are somewhat like small cakes or cupcakes in shape, although they usually are not as sweet as cupcakes and generally lack frosting. They may be filled with sweet fillings, such as chocolate, toffee, lemons or blueberries. They generally fit in the palm of an adult hand, and are intended to be consumed by an individual in a single sitting.”

Well, I leave it up to you: are my muffins cupcakes or cupcakes muffins? And, btw, Ukko, the dog, also likes to feast on them...

Pyöräytin tänäkin sunnuntaina perinteiset sunnuntaimuffarini. En oikeastaan edes muista, milloin innostuin muffareista... Joka tapauksessa banskumuffareista on pikkuhiljaa tullut sunnuntaiaamun traditioni. Tänään lisäsin taikinaan desilitran verran mustikoita, jotka sain pääsiäisenä äidiltäni.

Hieman harmittelin taitamattomuuttani kuvata muffinssini yhtä houkuttelevan näköisiksi kuin mitä ruoka- yms. lehdet leipomuksiaan esittelevät. Täytyy tosin todeta, ettei leivonnaisten valokuvaaminen ole täysin ongelmatonta, sekään. Siinähän ne kököttävät lautasella; herkullisina ja hyvältä tuoksuvina... - Voi, kunpa nykyteknologia mahdollistaisikin sen, että näitä valokuvia hieromalla lukijoilleni välittyisi se ihana tuoksu, joka vieläkin on aistittavissa haciendassani...

Jäin vielä ensimmäisen suupalan aikana miettimään perinteisten muffinssien ja ”vuokaleivosten” eli ”kupkeikkien” eroa: onko se koko vai maku, mikä ne erottaa toisistaan? Vai onko muffinssien ja ”kupkeikkien” ero käytännössä, ja kielellisesti, muffinssiin piirretty viiva?

13. huhtikuuta 2012

Life Is Killing Me

Thank you, Mika and Tomi, for sharing this, and the rest, with me.
It may seem a bit dark to you at first but I find it rather catchy, and it has a very unique melody, as well.

Type O Negative: Life Is Killing Me

2. huhtikuuta 2012

I give you, erm, perspective...

This photo represents exactly what we, me and Ukko, that is, saw this morning on our quality time.
I don't know if it is only me but I think that the horizon is missing, eh?
With a horizon I mean that horizontal line that appears to separate the Earth from the sky...
- That damn snowfall ruins everything!

Muutama sana markkinoinnista #kekäle

Tiäks sen tunteen, kun lähdet jahtaamaan sitä Canada Goosea? Sitä tunnetta, kun olet mainoksesta lukenut, että "kaikista normaalihin...