This song was originally recorded by Wayne Cochran in 1961. But, I didn’t hear it before American grunge band, Pearl Jam, recorded it in the late 90s’. Eddie Vedder, the vocalist of the Pearl Jam, had found this old record at an antique store in Seattle. He then convinced his band mates to play the song, and it was actually played a couple of times on their 1998 tour. Later, it was recorded and released as a 1998 fan club Christmas song.
If you listen to the lyrics, you find this song very touching and sad, at the same time. And it definitely makes me cry:
”The singer borrows his father's car to take his girlfriend out on a date (on a rainy night). Driving at an obviously high rate of speed, the singer suddenly comes upon a stalled car in the road. Unable to stop, the singer swerves to the right to avoid hitting the stalled vehicle, losing control and crashing violently in the process. The crash renders both the singer and his girlfriend unconscious. The singer later regains consciousness and finds several people at the scene of the accident, but is able to find his girlfriend, still lying unconscious. When the singer cradles his girlfriend in his arms, she regains partial consciousness, smiling and asking the singer to 'hold me, darling, for a little while'. The singer then gives his girlfriend what would be their 'last kiss' as she fades into death. In the song's chorus, the singer vows to be a good boy so that he may reunite with his girlfriend when his time comes, believing she's made it into Heaven.” (Wikipedia, 28.2.2012)
28. helmikuuta 2012
21. helmikuuta 2012
Laskiaistiistai_Pancake Tuesday
Täydellinen päivä: hernekeittoa lounaaksi ja kropsua jälkkäriksi. Illalla laskiaispulla (mantelimassalla, tietty).
Sattumoisin löysin vielä laktoosittoman laskiaispullan Herkusta. Sen enempää laskiaispulliin paneutumatta täytyy vain todeta, että valikoimaa riittää: laskiaispulla hillolla; laskiaispulla mantelimassalla; laskiaispulla mantelimassalla, joka on sekoitettu kermavaahtoon. Laktoositon, gluteeniton... Miksei kaupoista muuten löydy laskiaispullaa, jossa on sekä mantelimassaa että hillosilmä?!
Wikipedian(!) mukaan laskiaispullat yleistyivät 1800-luvulla Suomessa. "Ruokaan liittyi uskomuksia: Sen piti olla rasvaista. Mitä enemmän rasva kiilteli sormissa ja suupielissä, sitä paremmin lehmät lypsivät ja siat lihoivat. Eikä rasvaa saanut pyyhkiä sormista pois vaan sen piti antaa kulua itsekseen pois. Tämä takasi hyvän viikatteen käsittelykyvyn. Sormennuolija sen sijaan sai sirpeistä haavoja. Kun ruokien annettiin olla pöydässä koko päivän, se takasi runsauden koko vuodeksi." (lähde: Wikipedia. 21.2.2012.)
- Pistäkäämme siis muistiin tämä vanhankansan uskomus ja katsotaan sitten lähempänä kesää, kuka on nuollut sormiaan, ja kenen viikatteen käsittelykyky vie voiton meistä muista.
Pancake Tuesday - whatta hell is that?! Well, it's exactly what we're celebrating today here in Finland.
I found this on the Internet: "Pancake Tuesday is celebrated the day before the beginning of Lent. This is the time we remember the forty days Jesus spent in the desert. It is known by different names in different countries. In Scotland it is sometimes known as Shrove Tuesday, from the word shriven, which means you are cleansed of your sins, by the priest, before Lent begins. Traditionally fat and flour was used up before the fasting of Lent began and pancakes were the best way to do this." (source: 21.2.2012) Well, here we have shrove buns (with whipped cream, and jelly or marzipan) instead of pancakes, yummy!
Laskiaispulla (shrove bun) |
Wikipedian(!) mukaan laskiaispullat yleistyivät 1800-luvulla Suomessa. "Ruokaan liittyi uskomuksia: Sen piti olla rasvaista. Mitä enemmän rasva kiilteli sormissa ja suupielissä, sitä paremmin lehmät lypsivät ja siat lihoivat. Eikä rasvaa saanut pyyhkiä sormista pois vaan sen piti antaa kulua itsekseen pois. Tämä takasi hyvän viikatteen käsittelykyvyn. Sormennuolija sen sijaan sai sirpeistä haavoja. Kun ruokien annettiin olla pöydässä koko päivän, se takasi runsauden koko vuodeksi." (lähde: Wikipedia. 21.2.2012.)
- Pistäkäämme siis muistiin tämä vanhankansan uskomus ja katsotaan sitten lähempänä kesää, kuka on nuollut sormiaan, ja kenen viikatteen käsittelykyky vie voiton meistä muista.
Pancake Tuesday - whatta hell is that?! Well, it's exactly what we're celebrating today here in Finland.
I found this on the Internet: "Pancake Tuesday is celebrated the day before the beginning of Lent. This is the time we remember the forty days Jesus spent in the desert. It is known by different names in different countries. In Scotland it is sometimes known as Shrove Tuesday, from the word shriven, which means you are cleansed of your sins, by the priest, before Lent begins. Traditionally fat and flour was used up before the fasting of Lent began and pancakes were the best way to do this." (source: 21.2.2012) Well, here we have shrove buns (with whipped cream, and jelly or marzipan) instead of pancakes, yummy!
13. helmikuuta 2012
Happy Valentine's Day!
Playing with the M&M's, yummy! |
With the blink of an eye
I finally saw the light
It's amazing
That when the moment arrives
You know you'll be alright
It's amazing
And I'm sayin' a prayer
For the desperate hearts tonight."
-Steven Tyler and Richie Supa-
Pretty stamps, aren't they? |
12. helmikuuta 2012
My Luck_Paha saa palkkansa
Lapsuudenkodissani lauantai on siivouspäivä:
Isä kiikuttaa matot pihalle.
Äiti imuroi ja pyyhkii pölyt.
Äiti pesee lattian.
Äiti vaihtaa vuodevaatteet.
Isä kiikuttaa matot takaisin tupaan.
Minun kodissani lauantai on siivouspäivä:
Minä imuroin ja pyyhin pölyt.
Minä kiillotan rakkaat esineeni…
Mattoja minulla ei ole.
Joku sanoi, että näin voi käydä.
En uskonut.
Niin kävi.
Saturdays are made for master cleaning.
Or Fridays. Sundays can also be considered…
Someone once told me that “that could happen”.
I didn’t believe him.
And it happened!
Don't you dare laugh!
'cause you don't see me laughing...
And I hate that pot. And that stupid flower.
Isä kiikuttaa matot pihalle.
Äiti pesee lattian.
Äiti vaihtaa vuodevaatteet.
Isä kiikuttaa matot takaisin tupaan.
Minun kodissani lauantai on siivouspäivä:
Minä imuroin ja pyyhin pölyt.
Minä kiillotan rakkaat esineeni…
Mattoja minulla ei ole.
Joku sanoi, että näin voi käydä.
En uskonut.
Niin kävi.
Saturdays are made for master cleaning.
Or Fridays. Sundays can also be considered…
Someone once told me that “that could happen”.
I didn’t believe him.
And it happened!
Don't you dare laugh!
'cause you don't see me laughing...
3. helmikuuta 2012
Winter Freezeland, part III
We all thought it was stuck - stuck at -21C (-5.8F). But, guess what?! It wasn't.
It's -24C (-11,2F).
It's -24C (-11,2F).
2. helmikuuta 2012
Winter Wonderland, part II

I had a walk this morning with the dog, Ukko. And nearly got a permanent blush on my cheeks - if you know what I mean... I think that I have made up my mind. Or mayde I should give it another try, another day, and another frostbite...
It was in the news that in Russia one poor sucker had had a drink (or two) in the evening, fallen asleep on the park bench, and woken up in the morning not feeling his toes. His toes were all black - and I mean b l a c k! I wonder if this homeless guy ever feels hopeless, eh.
1. helmikuuta 2012
Winter Wonderland, part I
Up until now I didn't like winters. I could even say "I hated winters". Or, maybe I am totally wrong! In fact, when I was a kid I loved to ski, skate, and do all the other winter activities. My favourite sport was (and still is) ski-jumping... I never tried it but was very keen on Finnish athletes...
Then, winters became (for at least in my mind) rainy and gray. It was just like in the autumn but darker - a lot darker.
But, I will take up on this winter issue in my later entries. Maybe I have changed my mind, and after all, do hate winters. Or was it the opposite..
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