Ukko likes to pull stuff. I mean he's got this magnetic skill of always finding something to pull - sticks,branches, toys - you name it. And he loves to wrestle, with you.
18. maaliskuuta 2013
Dogs' Play
Dogs' play may seem rather rough at times. But, at the same time, it
seems like dogs know their roles in the play. When one finds something
more interesting, it just takes off. This happened yesterday. Ukko was
playing with one of his gfs, Nana. Nana is a 3-year-old boxer, full of
speed and crazy jumps in the air. When they first met, it was just love at
first sight!
Ukko likes to pull stuff. I mean he's got this magnetic skill of always finding something to pull - sticks,branches, toys - you name it. And he loves to wrestle, with you.
Nana on hra Ukon nuorikko, kolmevuotias bokserineiti. Kun Nana oli vielä pentu, Ukon leikit vaikuttivat liian rajuilta. Ukko näet tykkää vähän rajummista leikeistä - vetämisestä, painimisesta, pallojen hakemisesta (ja vähän uimisestakin). Nyt, muutaman vuoden ja erinäisten tapaamisten jälkeen, Nana on päässyt jyvälle Ukon leikeistä ja antaa hyvän vastuksen koirakaverilleen. Kaverukset saattavat leikkiä keskenään tunteja: vetää, juosta, vetää, juosta... nim. jäätyneet varpaat
Ukko likes to pull stuff. I mean he's got this magnetic skill of always finding something to pull - sticks,branches, toys - you name it. And he loves to wrestle, with you.
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